Be Your Own Guide – New Release Book

Be Your Own Guide is written with the intention to inspire, motivate and empower readers to utilize the energy of the Universe so we can truly thrive. We have been conditioned to believe we are less than we truly are and to live in fear of scarcity.

When I learned about the Law of Attraction it completely transformed my view of the world and my place in it. The teachings of people like Joe Dispenza, Wayne Dyer, Lao Tzu, and Alan Watts ushered new states of awareness and empowered me to BE a different way in the world.

I had been on a long quest to find peace in my life. I experienced so much trauma in my childhood and I was continuing to live and act out the same emotional experiences throughout my adult life. I experienced the death of a parent at a young age and all types of traumas to follow. I was sent to juvenile hall at fifteen, rehab, and then decided to dedicate my life to healing.

Though time and time again, I found myself in the same situations of feeling angry at the world, fighting, abandonment, worry, and painful loss. I wondered why I kept getting the same results in my life. I studied psychology in college and got really into Buddhism which helped a lot but I still wasn’t getting the peace and satisfaction that I craved. I constantly tried to figure out what my part was in these negative cycles that constantly brought me despair. I felt so powerless yet the only way that I could change it was to accept my part in creating it.

I believe that as each of us discovers the powers that we have inside of us that is connected to the energy of creation itself, we can reach our true potential. As awake co-creators of our world, we will collectively rise to a different kind of society where people can actually thrive. As the world and society are today, we are literally programmed to be dissatisfied, unfulfilled, inadequate, and afraid.

Now, is the time for true change that starts with each person’s journey to self-realization and accepting their Divine right to co-create a better world.

This book is my contribution to our family of humanity in hopes that together we can reach new levels of awareness and abundance. I really put my heart into this book and I hope you all enjoy it.


Let Jay Dean’s wonderful narration speak Rachel’s words into your life.

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