10 Reasons You Should Experience a Retreat & Purposeful Travel

Rachel Riggio of The Red Road Foundation shares ten reflections from moving to Cambodia—and how the past ten years have reshaped her life.

Discover the Transformative Power of Purposeful Travel

After a decade of calling Cambodia home, I’ve come to realize that life in this enchanting land is a continuous journey of discovery and growth. Beyond the ancient temples and bustling markets lies a profound tapestry of experiences that have been woven into my perspective on life, love, and humanity. Lessons of acceptance, joy, and gratitude have reshaped my emotional well-being since moving to Cambodia. Here are ten invaluable lessons gleaned from my time in this remarkable country.

Ten Lessons from Ten Years in the Kingdom of Wonder

  1. Resilience Amidst Adversity Living within the echoes of Cambodia’s turbulent past, I’ve witnessed firsthand the remarkable resilience of the Khmer people. From the scars of history emerges a profound spirit of perseverance and hope—a reminder that even in the darkest times, the human spirit endures.

  2. Embracing Impermanence In a culture steeped in Buddhist philosophy, I’ve learned to embrace the impermanence of life. Cambodia has taught me to cherish each moment as it arises, knowing that nothing lasts forever and all experiences are necessary to fully be alive.

  3. The Power of Connection Surrounded by the chaos of daily life, Khmer people place a profound emphasis on human connection. Small interactions with passersby, clerks, and mechanics are almost always pure and genuine, enriching my soul and reminding me of our shared humanity.

  4. Finding Joy in Simplicity Moving to Cambodia has taught me the joy of mindfulness and appreciating the little details. From the laughter of children playing in the streets to the joy of fresh coconut milk, true happiness is being present for the small things.

  5. Cultivating Inner Peace Surrounded by the infectious laughter and smiles of Cambodian people, I’ve learned the importance of cultivating inner peace. True peace comes from being present and not comparing yourself to others.

  6. Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future Cambodia’s rich history serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of honoring the past while moving forward. The scars of the Khmer Rouge era and the grandeur of Angkor Wat both bring strength as we shape new communities.

  7. Living in Harmony with Nature In a country blessed with breathtaking natural beauty, I’ve learned to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. Moving to Cambodia has taught me that rest is just as important as work, and there is a time for everything.

  8. Practicing Gratitude Moving to Cambodia has taught me the importance of practicing gratitude. The joy of giving and seeing my positive impact in the world nourishes my soul more than any material thing ever has.

  9. Embracing Diversity In a country known for its cultural diversity, I’ve learned to celebrate the beauty of differences. Sitting with and having conversations with people from various backgrounds has enriched my understanding and appreciation of our shared humanity.

  10. Living with Purpose Above all, moving to Cambodia has taught me the importance of living with purpose and passion. True happiness comes from giving away joy and making a positive impact in the world.

Reflections from Cambodia

Reflecting on the decade since my move to Cambodia, I remember the countless lessons learned, the unlikely friendships forged, and the memories made. Cambodia will always hold a special place in my heart, profoundly enriching my perspective and bringing me closer to the unified human spirit. Home is not so much a place; it is a feeling of coming home to ourselves and the human experience.

Book Your Red Road Adventure Retreat

About Rachel Riggio: Rachel Riggio is the founder and director of Operations at The Red Road Foundation, an addiction counselor, wellness coach, writer, advocate, and entrepreneur. She is also a guide for transformational wellness retreats (travel for change) experiences.

About The Red Road Foundation: The Red Road Foundation is a free education and sustainable development center in the rural countryside of Cambodia. For the past 10 years, they have been providing free education, creating environmental awareness campaigns/projects, and connecting volunteers, interns, and wellness travelers from all over the world to a community that is mutually beneficial for all involved.

The foundation creates wellness retreats that incorporate culture and adventure outwardly with an introspective journey that connects mind, body, and spirit. Through bodywork, breathwork, wellness coaching, and giving back to the community, their programs allow you to leave a sustainable impact in a distant land as well as within your own heart.

Their retreats are designed to help you return to your day-to-day life with a new sense of self, a new way of being, and interactions with your environment that attract a new set of experiences. Each retreat is led by a complementary group of local Khmer instructors, professional body and breath workers, and wellness/emotional support/spiritual coaches.

Book your adventure retreat today and experience the transformative power of purposeful travel with The Red Road Foundation. Thanks to Vacayou for the inspiration! 

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