Eco-building Internship Testimonial

Lorene Pourias

Eco-building of Sustainable Bathroom| 2022 Intern

“How would you describe your experience at Red Road Foundation in a single word?”


Lorene, an engineering student is and has been a part of us for about three months now. She says it’s a place that provokes nostalgia at the thought of exiting. 

 “Volunteering with Red Road Foundation, has been an instrumental part of my holistic growth. I have sharpened my communication, vision, interpersonal, initiative and practical skills….Coming to the Red Road helped me find answers to my questions about the course of my future life in accordance with my values and my desires. I discovered plenty of people with different lifestyles.  These lifestyles are rarely presented in schools because they are very individual.”


Lorene has been leading an eco bathroom construction project and has by far been creative in strategizing for waste management in Cambodia. She envisions sobriety in the community with regard to waste management. Her invention of the eco bathroom seeks to utilize waste plastic and incorporate green movement by having a green bathroom roof made of Lufa and natural grass. The water from the bathroom will be recycled to water the plants on the roof during dry seasons. Thanks to a solar pump where the solar panel will be installed on the bathroom’s roof. She is confident that modern construction with the integration of green transition strategies such as roof plantations, would be a great step to ensuring a natural atmosphere and abundance of both planted foods and nature’s beauty and serenity.

To her, being part of the Red Road Foundation has been a memorable adventure. She has enjoyed the meals prepared in the local homes and sends shout-outs to the entire Red Road team for offering such a piquant collection. She says there’s plenty of rice in the diet but served differently and deliciously.


” The Foundation allows for flexibility, and if something is not your thing, you don’t have to do it. The truth is, the activities are so diverse and regardless of your area of specialization, profession or interest, you just fit in.”


Red Road home is based on a very beautiful landscape and it’s very engaging. It homes responsible and caring personnel, each with the responsibility to grow them, both physically, emotionally, technically, and socially. Lorene has had fun with the engagement offered by the small community. She has felt more at home than at work.

Among her leisure activities, the main have been sewing, sports and drawing. The local home has provided tools for almost all activities one would love to engage in. She says she has had fun gardening, going on nature walks, interacting with peers, and browsing on the supported 4G internet.



"The consequences of global warming have already started to be felt. One only has to look at the news to see the extent of the damage around the world. In Cambodia, the distinction between the dry season and the wet season is becoming blurred. However, as in all crises, the emergency calls for solidarity. We have the solutions, the last IPCC report (2022) has put them on paper. It is time for us to apply them, to innovate, to create.  All fields have the power to act, science, art, education, communication, etc. Feel empowered to act. 
Let's work together.”  - Lorène Pourias

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